Basic copy editing: We review spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, terminology, jargon, grammatical consistency (verb tense and voice), semantics and formatting and make appropriate changes.
Heavy copy editing: We cover basic copy editing services and will help change or rewrite portions of the text to improve overall readability.
Substantive content editing: We communicate with the author regarding overall purpose and structure of the story or message and work with the author to rewrite entire portions of the document or manuscript if necessary.

We carefully review documents for accuracy and consistency in spelling, punctuation, grammar and formatting. Examples of the types of documents and content with which we work include, but are not limited to, the following:
White papers
Web content
Research papers
Business reports
Press releases
Social media posts
Ad copy

For anybody who has ever dreamed of publishing a book, the process can be intimidating. Skrive Publications helps a writer move his/her project from rough draft to published work. We partner with writers in a variety of fields and offer start-to-finish services.
Once we receive a manuscript, we work hand-in-hand with the author throughout the editing and proofreading processes, design a cover and chapter headings, format for printing, assign an ISBN number and send the finished work to our print-on-demand publishing platform.

Here's the full clip from TMJ4 that aired on March 16th! Thanks, James Groh, for a fun interview and great story! "A grandson in Waukesha and his grandpa in Florida are killing the children’s book game. They have released two books since September and have sold nearly 1,000 copies. They have big plans for the future." Read the full article here.
Jonathan Masiulionis of Empowered Publicity's Children's Books Spotlight Series interviewed Dan! Tune in to learn more about the Burgerhead & Mean Jerry series!
Dan appeared on Channel 3 in Madison, WI, with Susan Siman and Mark Koehn! They did a great interview and feature on my first children’s book ‘Burgerhead and Mean Jerry Become Friends.’ Check it out!
Dan collaborated with recording star Katie Toupin to create a short video that presents four themes woven into the Burgerhead and Mean Jerry series. Former member of the band Houndmouth, Katie is a talented song-writer, musician and singer. Her song Boys Will Be Boys is the background for our first YouTube video. You can watch it here: