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Skrive will be posting weekly articles about writing, publishing and various other topics. If you would like to be a contributor to our Blogs section, please contact us through our website.

Dan Madson
Jun 17, 20205 min read
Time for Chore!
My junior year in college was memorable … for a lot of reasons. After graduating from high school, my wife and I went to the same teacher...
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Dan Madson
Jun 8, 20205 min read
Fried Spam, Milk Toast and Scrambled Egg Sandwiches
I almost cracked yesterday. It was Day 17 of the 26-Day detox referenced in my last article. I was irritable and hungry. I’d had enough...
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Dan Madson
Jun 2, 20205 min read
Coffee, Chips and Bourbon
I turn 60 on July 3rd. Hard to believe, I know. By God’s grace, strong Norwegian genes and good luck, I’ve been blessed with excellent...
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Dan Madson
May 26, 20205 min read
Golfing with Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman is a close, personal friend of mine. And by close, personal friend, I mean my wife saw him in an elevator once. We were in...
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Dan Madson
May 10, 20204 min read
Cinderella Prizes - Part I
I like prizes. Always have. It started when I was in 3rd grade. My Sunday school teacher offered a prize if we memorized a Bible verse of...
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Dan Madson
May 5, 20204 min read
The Madson Way
They call it the Madson Way. And by they I mean the two women who married my sons who happen to be a lot like their father who happens to...
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Dan Madson
Apr 30, 20204 min read
Smashing Pumpkins
Good neighbors are hard to find. My wife and I lived in three different neighborhoods during our years in Madison, WI. Our first home was...
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Dan Madson
Apr 25, 20204 min read
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
I have no internal GPS. I’m man enough to admit it. In my defense, however, my tendency to get lost is nicely balanced out by some of my...
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Dan Madson
Apr 20, 20205 min read
Hair Today - Gone Tomorrow
The older I get, the less I care about how my hair looks. It wasn’t always this way. When I was growing up, my mom cut our hair. Up until...
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Dan Madson
Apr 9, 20204 min read
The Art of Napping
I am a prolific napper, a serial snoozer. I can fall asleep just about anywhere. I’ve fallen asleep lying on sofas; I’ve fallen asleep...
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Dan Madson
Apr 5, 20204 min read
Coach and the Comb Over
A bad combover should never be the sole criterion by which a man’s character is judged. Allow me to explain. I had a lot of memorable...
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Dan Madson
Apr 1, 20204 min read
When Kids Become Parents
Our kids are parents now. Our daughter wanted a girl. She got two boys. Both our sons wanted boys. They have four girls between the two...
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Dan Madson
Mar 28, 20204 min read
No Country for Old Men
My wife and I have different tastes in movies. She likes sappy rom-coms. Give her a Nicholas Sparks movie, a glass of wine and a bowl of...
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Dan Madson
Mar 24, 20204 min read
The Zombie Apocalypse?
I bought a gun today. Honestly, it had nothing to do with the current state of affairs in our country. It’s something I’ve been thinking...
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Feb 26, 20203 min read
Cross-Contamination? Huh?
I appreciate good customer service. Let me repeat, I appreciate good customer service! After a great meal at a restaurant, it wouldn’t be...
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Feb 21, 20203 min read
Drastic Life Changes
It’s January 1st. You’ve been on a two-week holiday bender of eating, drinking, lack of exercise and not enough sleep. You wake up on New...
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