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Meet Burgerhead and Mean Jerry!

A grandson in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and his grandpa in Florida are absolutely killing it in the children’s book game! Dan Madson and his grandson Mack have created a wonderful new series of wholesome, fun books for kids of all ages.
Mack is the creator of two memorable characters named Burgherhead and Mean Jerry. Dan is the author and writes stories based on the shenanigans he got into when he was a kid. Dan and Mack have collaborated to create an adorable cast of characters and put them into stories that recall the joys of childhood. The books are illustrated by a talented artist from Belarus named Veronika Gonchar.
Each story teaches important lessons as well. Friends accept each other for who they are and how they look. Personal responsibility is a character trait of great importance. Actions tend to have consequences. Kids should be allowed to have fun and make mistakes. Welcome to the world of Burgerhead and Mean Jerry!

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Contact Dan!

Dan is available for book signings and presentations at schools, libraries, bookstores, book clubs and more!
Burgerhead and Mean Jerry
in the Media
Here's the full clip from TMJ4 that aired on March 16th! Thanks, James Groh, for a fun interview and great story! "A grandson in Waukesha and his grandpa in Florida are killing the children’s book game. They have released two books since September and have sold nearly 1,000 copies. They have big plans for the future." Read the full article here.
Jonathan Masiulionis of Empowered Publicity's Children's Books Spotlight Series interviewed Dan! Tune in to learn more about the Burgerhead & Mean Jerry series!
Dan appeared on Channel 3 in Madison, WI, with Susan Siman and Mark Koehn! They did a great interview and feature on my first children’s book ‘Burgerhead and Mean Jerry Become Friends.’ Check it out!
Dan collaborated with recording star Katie Toupin to create a short video that presents four themes woven into the Burgerhead and Mean Jerry series. Former member of the band Houndmouth, Katie is a talented song-writer, musician and singer. Her song Boys Will Be Boys is the background for our first YouTube video. You can watch it here: