Dan began his writing career at the age of four when he scrawled his name on the kitchen table with a magic marker. “He was always advanced,” said Dan’s mom.
In 4th grade, Dan published his first story for the grade school paper in Luverne, MN. He wrote a story about person or persons unknown who had been going around the city poisoning dogs and cats. Dan did not win any awards for this initial work, but his teacher gave him an A+ on the assignment.
Since then he’s had a lifetime love affair with words. He’s a voracious reader and his Scrabble skills are legendary. His annual Christmas letter typically prompts comments like this from his readers: “Dan’s is the only Christmas letter I don’t throw away before finishing!”
In this day and age when writing skills have diminished across the board in favor of silly abbreviations and emojis, Dan strives to help people rediscover the beauty of great writing, or at least learn the difference between your and you’re. First-time author? Veteran scribe? Doesn't matter. Dan guides writers through the publishing process, from drafting a manuscript to rewriting, polishing and formatting to eventually seeing their finished books in print.
As Dan likes to say, “Words matter!”
Tiered pricing structure:
Basic copy editing:
We review spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, terminology, jargon, grammatical consistency (verb tense and voice), semantics and formatting and make appropriate changes.
Heavy copy editing:
​We cover basic copy editing services and will help change or rewrite portions of the text to improve overall readability.
Substantive content editing:
We communicate with the author regarding overall purpose and structure of the story or message and work with the author to rewrite entire portions of the document or manuscript if necessary.
Please submit a writing sample or manuscript! With a sample of your writing and a free, initial consultation, we'll prepare a customized pricing proposal specific to your writing project goals.