Publishing through traditional channels has always been challenging. Today, it’s arguably more difficult than ever. Unless you are an established author or well-known in some other arena, it’s difficult, if not impossible to get a literary agent or publishing house to look at a manuscript, let alone publish it.
With our print-on-demand capabilities, writers can see their works in print easier than ever before.
Dan has been through the publishing process many times.
While teaching, Dan wrote columns for a variety of periodicals, including a popular bi-monthly humor column for a parenting magazine. After a five-year run, the publishing company purchased those manuscripts and developed his first published work titled Because I Said So and Other Things Christian Fathers Say, a comical look at the so-called joys of parenting.
In 2005, after completing his first Ironman distance race in Madison, Wisconsin, Dan self-published Swim, Bike, Run, Laugh! A Lighthearted Look at the Serious Sport of Triathlon and the Ironman Experience.
In 2006, Dan wrote and published A Woman with a Man Beside Her, a humorous take on his wife’s business from a man’s perspective.
Since then, Dan has done a wide variety of proofreading and copy editing. He’s also worked as a speech writer, web content developer and has helped several aspiring authors publish their first works.
His motto? Words matter!